about Moldavite
14.7 million years ago as a result of an asteroid impact with planet earth, creating a crater 24 km in diameter and 3 km deep. The center of the crater is located 300 km west of Besednice, Czech Republic where the town of Nordlingen, Bavaria Germany is now located.
The asteroid impact melted the bedrock, and the asteroid/molted-bedrock mixture was subsequently sent up into earth's atmosphere where it cooled down and formed into tektite that is now called Moldavite.
A Moldavite rain came pooring back to earth, covering parts of South Bohemia and South-West Moravia, Czech Republic some 300 km away from the impact.
The most sought after Moldavite are located around the Market Town of Besenice which has a population of about 900 people. It is surrounded by farmlands where moldavite has been mined and exausted.
The villages of Chlum, Slavce, Nesmen, Dobrkovska Lhotka-Paryz, are where the most desirable moldavite specimens have been found with Besednice being the most valued for the rich texture and rarity, Nesmen and Paryz, being 2nd for their value.
Nesmen and Paryz are both located within about 1.5 km from Besednice.
Mining in all these locations are now illegal and/or exhausted and the only available Gems come from Private Collections. Intact Specimen Shapes (un-broken) are extremely rare and almost impossible to find.
Pieces over 20 gr are considered very rare, over 40 gr extremely rare, over 60 gr most extremely rare and over 100 gr almost none existent.